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She’s ONE!

Posted on Jun 13, 2016 in Big Moments, Motherhood, The Fam

Leslie-1year2Leslie turned one today!

From discovery and anticipation, through birth, and now this first trip around the sun this little sprout has been such a blessing. She’s almost walking (just a few steps here and there), says mama and dada and signs more.  She loves chasing her siblings and laughing at them, giving kisses, flipping through book pages, everything active, pen and paper, eating with a fork, clapping, splashing in water, brushing her teeth, and shoes.

We enjoyed celebrating her this weekend with a gathering at home and also out in nature (her birthday tradition).

Leslie-1year1 IMG_3974 Leslie-1year IMG_3990 IMG_3930 IMG_3980

Our outdoor adventure was to Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, admiring the natural beauty of the big trees.


Leslie-1year4Whitney was having quite the time with her camera for a while there…she was stopping every few feet. IMG_4102-001 Leslie-1year3 IMG_4051Here she is…growing each week.





  1. Oh my goodness Michelle! Such a beautiful family, we would love this summer to get together and meet this amazing girl.

    • Thanks, Candice! And Yes! Let’s!

  2. Happy Birthday big girl…
    Wonderful as usual to read your posts Michelle. Thanks so much

  3. Happy birthday to Leslie! I love the idea of a “natural beauty” birthday celebration, and I also loved the “little sprouts” you ladies were wearing in your hair! It looked like a very special day. Leslie has grown so much and looks great. Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead, for all of you!

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