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A Season

Posted on Dec 21, 2014 in The Fam

A few oddities of this season in time…


  • affirms my good ideas by saying “Good Thinking!”
  • woke up at 5:30am the other day and came in loudly complaining “Mo-om, Whitney won’t play with me!” – poor Whitney shuffled sleepily down the hall escaping to our bed.  How nice to wake up raring to go.  I can’t wait to teach him to use that time to go build something or make breakfast for us all (instead of driving the rest of us nuts!).  At least it’s not usually as early as 5:30.
  • no matter the temps or how much rain, he is always putting on shorts and a t-shirt in the morning and changing into pants is a dramatic battle each day.
  • we are at the “mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mo-ooooommmmy, MOMMMYYYY!” stage
  • started giving death threats when upset with me. 🙁  where does he get these words? he has no idea what he is saying.
  • started licking the rain off the car exterior (ew!) and amidst my efforts to stop it, he has taught Whitney to do the same.
  • asks almost daily to “decorate” our house.  um, I think we’ve already decorated?  He wants more!  Watch out Clark Griswold, Dylan has the Christmas spirit.


  • says “mmm doolicious!”
  • plays the piano while Dylan dances interpretively (while I keel over trying to suppress my laughter) – she cranes her neck around to watch him as she changes speeds on the notes.
  • I can hardly get through dinner prep without her being my little shadow begging “hold me!” – so sweet and so untimely.
  • gets frustrated and stomps her feet in protest
  • runs away laughing when I frantically yell “Stop!  No!” (really need to work on this one – it’s such a safety issue!)
  • breaks down in real tears when she doesn’t get to ride the bus, and when she wants to “drive” the car (sit in the front seat and push all the buttons) and instead I strap her in her car seat (a multiple-times-a-day experience).
  • puts her babies to bed and goes through our night-night routine kisses and all.  Then she carries them around the house by their hair.
  • rode the tricycle by herself at school for the first time.

Everyone is really dramatic.  We cry over spilt milk, we cry when we don’t get our way, I think mostly we cry because we’re tired and hormonal…or maybe it’s just me.

It’s a season. Yes?

Thank you, Naphy ( for snapping some shots of us the other day – – here are a few 🙂

IMG_6413 IMG_6427 IMG_6441 IMG_6445

and then there’s this face…


squirmy happy energy


curious peering into the bread machine – my little kitchen helpers.



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