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Posted on Feb 18, 2016 in The Fam

My last post was a frustrated one about Whitney’s bolting away and how one result of that is choosing to stay cooped up at home to avoid the stress (and danger) of chasing her around public places.  Well, I’m happy to report that we’ve had a few adventures since that post and while all involved wrangling her as she tried to wander, none involved actually losing her, and all were happy fun times.

We had a huge family day at Disneyland in honor of my grandmother who passed in January.



We wrote our phone number on Whitney’s arm just in case, and were vigilant about communicating who was watching her.  Wanting to be with her cousins and super fun aunties and uncles was a big help, too.

This past three day weekend we had unseasonably beautiful 80 degree weather and ventured to the beach.  Mavericks were that weekend, and while we weren’t at the place of the competition there were big awesome waves and lots of surfers to watch.








And lastly, I did a solo trip up to the city with the kids to meet a dear friend who took us to Dolores Park…what a fantastic place to play!  We both took a few trips down the slide along with the kids.




I’m grateful to have lots of peaceful days at home since the kids are off school, but I’m also grateful to have logged these adventures in the family memory to believe again that getting out and having fun together is not only doable, but worth the crazy effort involved.

In other news…Leslie is on the move, crawling (and fast!) and she’s got three new teeth emerging to keep up with her huge appetite.



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