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Cars and Clouds

Posted on Aug 26, 2014 in The Fam

This weekend we went to Uncle Ron’s car show up in Loveland. We drove through a crazy thunderstorm to get there but shortly after we arrived the sun came out and proud car owners were squeegeeing off their prized beauties.

Dylan’s word of the day was “awesome” … “Wow! look at that awesome blue car…and over there, another awesome car, it’s green and black!” Oh, honey, that’s a golf cart.  It was fun to walk around and admire all the classic models in their bright colors and shiny paint jobs.  And it was even more fun when one was driving around and you could hear the loud engine.  Who would’ve thought a car show is a great adventure for a family with toddlers?



Whitney and the pink car.



Dylan next to the car his Grandad used to drive.


Shiny paint jobs…fun reflections.


We visited the lake again this weekend and saw the most amazing red sky at sunset.  I didn’t realize how important clouds are for making beautiful sunsets….maybe a few more in the Bay Area would be nice after all.


Monkey see, monkey do.  One climbed up on a fence so the other one followed.




Throwing rocks into the lake…good cheap fun.



May your eyes be quick to see the beauty wherever you are.

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