So I started using a Fitbit. What is a Fitbit, you ask? It’s just magic little gadget clip on my bra strap that watches me like a hawk and tricks me into healthier choices. Instead of an angel on my shoulder it’s like having Mr. Hunter from 8th grade PE in my ear bellowing ‘pump your arms’ and threatening me with a muumuu. I’ve...
Whitney made a friend at an appointment this morning. A six-year-old girl with Down syndrome entered the room and zeroed in on Whitney, coming over to proclaim her “sister” and sat forehead-to-forehead cupping her face, whispering secrets, and looking into her eyes lovingly. It was precious. I soaked in this beautiful moment of kinship. I’m not usually one to try to make best friends...
The pressure/tension/stress around here has been of epic proportions in the past month…so I thought I’d share some of the things that has kept me from losing it altogether…. Love notes. The support and prayers and texts and emails of dear friends from various parts of my life have been a lifeline. Knowing one is not alone must be the single-handedly most comforting reality. ...
Whitney’s homecoming from the hospital was a week ago yesterday. We are thrilled with how “normal” our life is already…the surgery successfully closed up the hole in her heart and her resilient little body is recovering quickly. Here’s a recount of the day-by-day… The night before the surgery…bath time with Gramby. Day 1: Daybreak arrival. Happy drugs. Emotional parents not wanting to let...
sike: A misspelling of psych. Knowing Sonia was thirsty, Jonathan teased her with his soda. “Here, you can have a sip…psych!” What a whirlwind. The hospital cried wolf. I feel like I had a baby. Exhausted and yet euphoric. I escaped my worst nightmare. I woke up to a reality where my sweating,panic and screams fizzled into the “you’re safe, it can’t get...
Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body. Um. yes. I am more and more aware that my heart is running around willy-nilly ducking in and out of places that were most certainly off my self-protective itinerary. Today we ran a pre-op marathon with all kinds of pokes and prods and tests. Whitney was brave, cooperative, and had impressive...