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Nap Wars II – and other, more pleasant happenings.
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Non-parents forgive me, it doesn’t make sense and is probably not very interesting, but I am all-consumed and can’t help but sharing that it’s Nap War II around here (not to be confused with Nap War I: the crib escape). The Dude has all but given up his nap…and has been fighting bedtime as well.  He used to sleep at least 12.5 hours out...

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A Month for Remembering – Dylan’s surprise
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March has become a significant month for me in the past few years…carrying the anniversaries of my top two most difficult experiences: in March 2010 we found out our baby would have Down syndrome (I’ve been wanting to write that post for a while now – stay tuned for it’s release in the next few weeks), and in March 2013 Whitney had open heart...

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Beginners Ballet
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Beginners Ballet

Feb 22, 2014

Whitney had her first ballet class on Thursday. 45 minutes, 1 teacher, 17 girls between 3 and 8 years old. I was amazed at the class! The teacher is fantastic, leading the kids through real ballet (I mean real…french, twirls, arabesques, spotting) in a fun way that they were all trying their hardest to mimic.  I really like how it was taught.  Whitney did okay. ...

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Love and Be Loved
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Love and Be Loved

Feb 14, 2014

Happy Balentime’s Day, Everyone!  (as Dylan would say it). “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.”  – a Moulin Rouge favorite (originally from a Nat King Cole song) I’ve learned a bit about love over the years…this year some of love’s lessons and moments drove a little deeper than usual. * Love is a risk. When...

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Toddler Processing: What are the rhinos doing?
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Dylan’s getting stuck on things lately….characters in movies, certain pages in books.  He’ll ask me about them over and over and over again.  I think his little brain has taken in something new and isn’t sure what to do with it. Asking lots of questions is a normal part of development and not something that concerns me, but I’m reminded of when I worked...

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Welcome to the Family, Space Age Washer
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Life is Good in our Laundry room again.  Our old faithful second hand whirlpool cost us $75 and lasted 9 years under our various roofs….but alas, it has been threatening explosion (or something — you should have heard it) for a few months now.  It’s a tough act to follow.  It seems I hear all to often about appliances and electronics that “they don’t...

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The Problem With Getting Out
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In general, we don’t get out much. I am not the mom who takes her kids to the park or on walks every day.  I’d like to be, but most environments are just not fun for very long with my two littles.  I’ve been feeling like we’ve been growing out of some of the chaos and that the kids are starting to follow directions...

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Latest Antics
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Latest Antics

Oct 18, 2013

Antics: foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior.    Lately…I’ve been witness (or victim) to: Opening the stall door in the public restroom during “mommy’s turn”. Climbing into the kitchen sink. Putting diapers and PJ’s on dolls and plush animals. Climbing in the bathtub fully clothed and turning the water on. Taking iPhone selfies of one’s forehead 20x in a row. Obsessions with replaying family videos...

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Sep 9, 2013

It seems Whitney is thriving at school!  I’m especially appreciative of how her communication is improving as she attempts to speak more words.  She loves singing along to songs with the few words she can remember.  Today she had two fairy stickers on her hand for successful pee pee in the potty.  Woo hoo!  I get along with her teacher very well.  I’m contemplating...

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The Good, The Plaid, and The Crazymaking
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THE GOOD Kids and park Fountains—summer at its best. Our neighbors brought over a tub of Dinosaurs that have been bathed and introduced to the rest of the toys. Amusing communication: Whitney’s “potty” sounds a lot like “daddy” and “doggy”, she says “ra-raff” (Giraffe).   Dylan says “perkle” (purple), “I love beers” (I love bears), and has been requesting “one horse open sleigh” (Jingle Bells)...

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When Your Mom is a Therapist
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What Dylan doesn’t realize in his 22 month self is that his mommy is trained to be a therapist.  Because of this training a lightbulb went on this past week and now Dylan is getting personal communication training on how to be direct.  Let me explain. Dylan’s new favorite phrase is “I don’t like ____” (everything from spiders and carrots, to ice cream and...

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Preschool: Day One
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Preschool: Day One

Aug 15, 2013

My sweet Big Girl. Oh my word, Mamas, how do you find it in you to let your kids go? Is this snack good enough? Do you need fishies AND graham crackers? or maybe cookies. oh what if she feels like string cheese. is this enough? too much? what if she wants what the other kid is having. what’s his mom packing him right...

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