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Creative Math
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Creative Math

Apr 11, 2013

Today, one Signing Time: Family, Feelings and Fun DVD = one outdoor pillow for our deck! The kids learned how to say/sign things like “sister” and “grumpy” and I got to get my creative on.  Win-win! I am very proud of my little square.  And grateful for the sewing machine my grandma gave me years ago. Glass raised to believing in the ability to...

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Oatmeal with a side of Crazy
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Little dude is part Tasmanian devil. I have been mommy-trained to assume the triple threat position when he starts giving off his crazy cues: his brow furrows and his jaw thrusts forward, clenched.  What’s next is unpredictable but has recently been any combination of shrieking, throwing, running, jumping, climbing and tackling.  Here he is balancing on the seat of Whitney’s horsey, which promptly turned...

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“Family First”
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“Family First”

Apr 8, 2013

So I resigned from my coaching job today.  Through much deliberation I’ve realized that the immensity of the time and energy commitment of running a high school program is too much for me and my family at this point. I’ve done almost everything to keep coaching a part of my life the past four years, I even birthed both babies during volleyball seasons with...

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Coping Secrets
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Coping Secrets

Mar 28, 2013

The pressure/tension/stress around here has been of epic proportions in the past month…so I thought I’d share some of the things that has kept me from losing it altogether…. Love notes.  The support and prayers and texts and emails of dear friends from various parts of my life have been a lifeline.  Knowing one is not alone must be the single-handedly most comforting reality. ...

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From Hole to Whole
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From Hole to Whole

Mar 27, 2013

Whitney’s homecoming from the hospital was a week ago yesterday. We are thrilled with how “normal” our life is already…the surgery successfully closed up the hole in her heart and her resilient little body is recovering quickly. Here’s a recount of the day-by-day… The night before the surgery…bath time with Gramby.   Day 1: Daybreak arrival. Happy drugs. Emotional parents not wanting to let...

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Mar 9, 2013

sike: A misspelling of psych. Knowing Sonia was thirsty, Jonathan teased her with his soda. “Here, you can have a sip…psych!” What a whirlwind.  The hospital cried wolf.  I feel like I had a baby.  Exhausted and yet euphoric. I escaped my worst nightmare. I woke up to a reality where my sweating,panic and screams fizzled into the “you’re safe, it can’t get...

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Preparing our hearts
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Preparing our hearts

Mar 5, 2013

Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body. Um. yes. I am more and more aware that my heart is running around willy-nilly ducking in and out of places that were most certainly off my self-protective itinerary.  Today we ran a pre-op marathon with all kinds of pokes and prods and tests.  Whitney was brave, cooperative, and had impressive...

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Single Moms
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Single Moms

Feb 20, 2013

Two recent recipes courtesy of Michael Ruhlman (Ruhlmans Twenty cookbook, and his blog) – although slightly modified. Dutch Oven Bread Put in Bread Machine – dough only setting – 4c Flour (500g) – 1 1/2 c. water – 1 tsp yeast – 2 tsp Kosher salt Once dough cycle is complete, knead the dough to release bubbles and redistribute the yeast. Shape roughly into...

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