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Celebrating a Decade of Marriage

Posted on Jan 28, 2015 in The Fam, Travel

Our marriage hit double digits this past week.  Wow!  How did that happen!?

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Our actual anniversary day was a Thursday, and while we had babysitters lined up for dinner, the day was true-to-season-of-life and preempted by our family adventures – this time a last minute trip to the doctor with two ear infections and some pretty sick and miserable kids.  Go figure!  It was take-out and early bedtime…and no big deal.  Our happiness isn’t hinged on dinner dates or other fancies.  Besides, we drew out the celebration with two other events (a getaway and a party) and lots of memories and conversations in between.

The Getaway

Traveling these days is a bit tricky…kids or no kids?  Either way, long trips are pipe dreams due to logistics and expenses.  We noodled various options all within a few hours away.  I had been looking at snow, sun, and other destinations for a few months, hoping to have a grand adventure that could fit in a 3-day weekend.  Nothing I found really felt right and my failure to commit resulted in crazy airfare hikes when it was time to book –  but it all worked out wonderfully in the end.  On a sort of a whim we found and booked a 3-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico (from LA).  Neither of us has cruised since we were kids with our families, and we’ve both barely been across the border in Mexico.  So adventure here we come.  To be honest, though, moments after we booked we started calling it our “three day buffet” and we didn’t think about much else.Laughodil1

It was great!  We boarded the Funship (Carnival Inspiration) and did basically exactly what we wanted when we wanted for three days – no kids sneaking to our bedside at night, no dirty dishes, doctor’s appointments or toddler questions repeated over and over.  I almost got bored!  We basked in the sun reading and just sitting there taking it all in, and continuously enjoyed the vast sky and sea surrounding us.

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We spent a few hours on shore in Ensenada…enough to wander around like a tourist and then find a Starbucks to buy my mom a collector’s mug and to use the Wifi to FaceTime the kids.  I wouldn’t say it was a very authentic jaunt, but we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.Laughodil

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More to come on the Party – let me just say it was a blast!



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