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Preschool: Day One

Posted on Aug 15, 2013 in Big Moments, Education, Motherhood, The Fam

My sweet Big Girl.

Oh my word, Mamas, how do you find it in you to let your kids go?

Is this snack good enough? Do you need fishies AND graham crackers? or maybe cookies. oh what if she feels like string cheese. is this enough? too much? what if she wants what the other kid is having. what’s his mom packing him right now? (OMG. How many mornings is it we don’t even stop for snack?? Why does it seem like such a big deal right now?!)


Isn’t her backpack the cutest?? It’s by Skip Hop, there’s a whole menagerie of them…we got the Ladybug for Whitney, Dylan has the Fox, and we have a doggy lunch bag.

But seriously, a BACKPACK? why don’t you just climb in there and I’ll carry YOU to school.

Dylan kept insisting that Whitney’s asleep (because where else would she be if she’s not with us?) and finally after much talk about how she’s at school he said “this Dylan’s school” no, honey, you don’t have school…you get to be with Mommy.


Well, after one day, Whitney has straight A’s and a bunch of new friends in this world. She didn’t seem phased at all when I came to pick her up – probably would have stayed and played more Mr. Potato Head if I wasn’t making a scene with my reunion of gratuitous hugs and kisses and a full on post-school photoshoot.

What I learned: She’s the only girl so far in her class – four boys. She’s the youngest. Pretty sure she’s the only one with Down syndrome. There’s one teacher and two Aids, and today there was also a Speech Therapist, but she’s not there all the time.


Ok. Now for the other parts.
Whitney’s First Day of Special Preschool, I’m sorry to say, was not the sharpest representation of San Jose public school. C’mon people.

I never expected sparkly laminated welcome sheets or a top hat and bow tie on the bus driver. But I did expect the bus to show up!? And oh, so where’s Ms. Parker? She made us feel so good about being assigned this class, and we followed the instructions on the yellow copy to a T, so we’ve got everything she needs – – Oh. You’re the NEW teacher? since when? Maybe next time the district (or you) could at least send a notice? And yes, I’ve got Whitney’s speaker system to help her hear. Her what? You know, for her unilateral hearing loss? You know, her hearing situation that’s in her IEP? Right, right, of course. Yikes.

It was a little less smooth than I hoped. But hey, I’m new to this and probably uber sensitive and critical because I’m missing my baby. It’s just a few bumps in the road to be ironed out.

Well, today we were brave and strong. Tomorrow: the BUS!


  1. Get ’em girl! Good work Whitney! How exciting and scary and momentous and crazy a first day of school is! Hope you keep trusting your instincts about school and teachers communicating with you and IEP follow-through–and I hope they get the details ironed out soon! 🙂

  2. Good job at school Whitney! I am so proud of you. I will see you at Church on Sunday. Love you, Vicki

  3. We miss you and Dylan (and mom too 🙂 ! But we are excited about you starting preschool and showing off your skills! Love you mom’s pics 🙂

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