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Posted on Nov 23, 2013 in Homemade, Photography

I’m ba-ack!

For the past two weeks I’ve been radio silent while on a whirlwind of visits with family and friends.  There are certainly photos and stories to share from our adventures…stay tuned as I unpack the bags and organize my thoughts from these meaningful visits.

In the meantime, here is some fall photography play…


My vision was to print and frame some of these for a fall decoration – of course, going out of town set me back a bit and now it’s time to get out the evergreens and snowflakes.  At lease now I have a head start for putting some fall photography on the walls next year!Fall-Letters-Smugmug2Fall-Letters-Smugmug1Fall-Letters-SmugmugI’ve also been working on updating my photography website to reflect more of my personal projects and collections (this Fall Letters project can be found here) in addition to the freelance work I do.  Feel free to pop over there and check it out and let me know what you think!

1 Comment

  1. I love these–how inspiring!

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