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Fall Frames

Posted on Oct 23, 2016 in The Fam, Travel

Late September and Early October…

That last 100 degree hurrah – the only time our kids have played in a sprinkler (boo for droughts, don’t tell San Jose Water).


And here’s Whitney, modeling the latest in safety-fashion – the Tile necklace.  It’s one of the steps we’ve taken addressing the bolting problem.  Of course, we haven’t had to use it since we’ve gotten it…in our tests it’s not the most robust tracking system by any means, but it might be enough for now.  image3

Funny girl finds “daddy” all the time in books and magazines.

image5Leslie is starting to show some independence…she throws a fit when we try to help her with her top buckle (she can do it!), and she loves to copy her siblings drawing on paper, getting the cheerios out of the cupboard, and getting out the play doh.    image1

Whitney got to see a special performance of The Little Mermaid Junior, and met Ariel and Eric afterwards…as if we needed any help perpetuating the obsession.image2Whitney working on her peeling skills.  Both she and Dylan are often happy helpers in the kitchen.img_6634 Dylan loves to build.  And this carpet is always full of projects. img_6470

Leslie and Murphy basically had their own photo shoot last week when we visited our Arizona family.  She loves animals!  img_7164“Let’s try to get a nice picture with Gran” – ha.  I was calling everyone’s name and no one was looking at me.  On a side note: ice cream is the fastest way to get an unsure toddler into Gran’s lap.

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Dylan has discovered pinball (or “cannon ball” as he remembered it) – grandparents have the coolest toys!img_7117

Lounging poolside while big brother and sister swim in freezing cold water.img_7088 img_7069 img_7028

Whitney’s sharing her “journal” with her grandma. img_7023

Leslie and Daddy playing with the keyboard.


the beginnings of pigtails…img_6757

The spaghetti squash harvest…one of the plants I {didn’t know I} planted with compost – all my happiest plants are the ones that came to be on their own without me doing a thing.  I am learning to just accept that my plans and efforts don’t always pan out, and often there’s something else thriving that I can accept and enjoy if I just go along with it…in gardening and in life, it seems.  Cooperation goes a long way.


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