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Garden Update – Eden edition

Posted on Jun 18, 2013 in The Homestead

It’s about time to pause and appreciate how time (and water and sun) makes my garden grow.  It’s getting crowded in there and we’re on the verge of harvesting season! Here are two pictures showing the left box and the right box from first planting (end of April), mid May, and now Mid June.  Yay!  Lots of seeds grew.  There is a big empty patch in Right Box that didn’t sprout so I need to retry something there, but all in all I’m pretty pleased.



We’ve harvested a bunch of greens, herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley), about two dozen radishes (see below), a few handfuls of blackberries and strawberries (not in the boxes), a bunch of cherries from a tree, and our first green tomato. 🙁 thank you Dylan.


Why the Eden edition?  Well.  My little man can’t seem to stay away from picking forbidden fruit (all the unripe ones – see story about blackberries, here).  But also because somehow I have a knack for growing anatomical radishes.  Seriously, what the heck!?  The left two pictures are from last year’s garden, and the right most one is one of a few lookalikes from this year’s garden.  If only you could see my face at these moments of discovery when I pull these special roots out of the ground.  (!!!)  My, oh my.  Here’s to you and your own summer produce adventures.


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