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Posted on Nov 1, 2016 in The Fam

Goodbye October.  My, you went by fast.img_7652

Dylan, modeling optimal pumpkin carving stance.


It was the kids’ first pumpkin carving experience…I adore their finished products.


So they wore the same costumes as last year (except Leslie, though Fifi the poodle has been in the family for years now).  There’s no rule against repeats, right?  I gave the option to scheme up a different plan and neither seemed all that interested.  I was stressing over the potential Halloween morning meltdown costume woes, but it never came…they didn’t think twice about it and just went off to school.  I’m not planning a three-peat or anything, but it was nice to keep it easy this year.


It’s always a highlight to visit our most festive neighbors. 🙂img_7718

This one has a sweet tooth…she was quite persistent in her candy handling and begging me to open everything for her.


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