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Happy Summer

Posted on Jun 20, 2013 in Featured, The Fam

The week in reverse….

Today we enjoyed the longest day with lots of outside.  Splashing in the backyard before dinner.

Kiddie Pool


Morning at the beach with Auntie Jess and Lady Dog.  Lovely lovely day.


Mom! Put the camera down! We’ve been here all of three minutes and haven’t eaten anything yet [signing and saying Eat].


I concede with the 11am lunch….Whitney puts new meaning into SANDwich, and Dylan is going to die if he doesn’t have more and more “camagope.”  A few dozen handwipes later I surrender to the sand and we enjoy a messy sandy fun time.


Run ahead. Mommy yells to stay close. Stop and run back.  Turn around and run ahead again.
We’re making progress!



Whitney LOVES Lady. No doubt about it.  And congratulations Lady, who is training to be a service dog!



Some front yard flower harvest…my favorite is when the Gladiolas are in bloom.  So stunning!

Sunday (Father’s Day) we gathered with friends.  Dylan loves to copy the big kids.  Whitney makes friends with everyone.



Yes, there may be some illusion to this photo, but there’s also no denying that our little dude is one gigantic toddler…he’s got some big feet to grow into.  He’s also our little app usability tester (Tyler submitted an app this week!).  And umbrellas are the coolest around here.  We’ve been known to take them out rain or shine, day or night, pj’s or no.


Dylan’s counting…can make it to 10 some of the time.  He’s talking up a storm, repeating everything.  And this week he very clearly started saying I love you. We love seeing his little mind at work.  It makes up for the sometimes exhausting amount of energy and emotion this little guy has.


I was helping Dylan play with my camera and here’s what came out.   Ha.



Think it might be time for a haircut?


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