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It’s a wonderful life again.

Posted on Mar 25, 2013 in The Fam

We’ve been home from the hospital for just shy of a week now, and life is just about back to normal, a wonderful new normal.  Whitney is a superstar, happily playing and dancing and chatting away.  We are weaning her off the little bit of Tylenol she was on since she appears to be pain free.  Amazing.  Praise God. I’m brewing up a post to tell more about the surgery and hospital time…stay tuned.

On other news, we have seen a glimpse of our helpful-children future with some training in family chores…Dylan is able to follow directions to take a dish to daddy, and happily puts silverware in the dishwasher basket holes (of course, half the time it gets a pre-rinse in his mouth first).

dylan potFirst day home from the hospital and we have Whitney out raking…IMG_2273

The kids have discovered that each other are perfect kissing and hugging size.  They are quite affectionate. This episode (pictured) happened spontaneously in the kitchen and lasted long enough for me to grab my camera and snap a dozen shots. I love these little lovey kids!IMG_1859

This weekend also marked this year’s first Easter gathering…at Gramby’s house with the ever-blossoming family clan. All 17 of us made it.  Tradition is strong!  I’ll have you know that the egg hunt I grew up with has continued even through the years when it was a bunch of adult “kids” running around uncovering girl scout cookies, jelly beans, and plastic bunnies that poop chocolate eggs.  This year was a first with a free-for-all grown-up hunt for plastic eggs with yummies and/or monies (!) while the grand kids carried on the traditional hunt passed on from egg to egg by picture clues.  Whitney finished with a lot of help from her oldest cousin…this year the venetian blinds were much more exciting than a basket of goodies.


The Grand Babies…donning their matching outfits.  Just wait until next year when we teach them to sing edelweiss in four part harmony.

Easter cousinsblog1

Rad time picking oranges and hanging out with our friend Bowie.  Yes we have enough oranges to last a lifetime. And yes, they are deliciously juicy and sweet. Come visit us and go home with a bag of your own.IMG_1831We are re-instituting the after dinner walks and the kids are loving it.  Look at that big girl Whitney walking like it’s no big deal.  It’s a bonus when the sprinklers are running…possibly an excuse to skip bath time?


Somebody is really excited about Easter bonnets.

Easter bonnet


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