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Latest Antics

Posted on Oct 18, 2013 in Motherhood, The Fam, Uncategorized

Antics: foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior. 

Lately…I’ve been witness (or victim) to:

  • Opening the stall door in the public restroom during “mommy’s turn”.
  • Climbing into the kitchen sink.
  • Putting diapers and PJ’s on dolls and plush animals.
  • Climbing in the bathtub fully clothed and turning the water on.
  • Taking iPhone selfies of one’s forehead 20x in a row.
  • Obsessions with replaying family videos and images.
  • ‘MOMMY, GET down here play BLOCKS!” demands.
  • Dylan, do you want to color? “No, I don’t think so”
  • Me: “How do those shoes feel?”  Dylan: “Happy”
  • Me: “Are you sleepy?” Dylan: “No, I awake”.
  • Me: “How old are you?” Dylan: “I a boy”.
  • (Hide and Seek) Me: “Where are Whitney and Dylan?  Are they in the bathroom?”  [voices and giggles from the closet: “Nooooooo”]. “Are they under the bed??” [closet: “Noooo”] …. “Are they in the closet?” [closet: “yeees”].  Opening the closet, Dylan shrieks and pushes the door shut “No! NO! No!!  Inna bafroom? Inna bed? No!” (repeat 9 million times)

Below: self-help freezer obsession, baby duckling in the diaper, mommy pulls a Tom Sawyer whitewash trick with the Dust Buster.


I made some rolls the other day and the kids were anxiously waiting for them to finish…10-17

We had some family over on Dylan’s Birthday evening…ate cupcakes, bopped around balloons, sang and danced to Mary Poppins (Dylan’s obsession), and enjoyed the extra time together.


Here’s cousin C and Whitney playing piano…(I believe C was singing Jingle Bells)


The kids got jammied up for story time together.


These two LOVE each other….they have so much fun, it’s very sweet.



**This Saturday our crew will be joining the masses of families and friends of individuals with Down syndrome at the Bay Area Buddy Walk put on by the Silicon Valley Down Syndrome Network.  For those who might be able to join us: you can come “walk” with us Saturday morning or be Whitney’s buddy by sponsoring her to raise funds for the support, advocacy, workshops and events put on by the Silicon Valley Down Syndrome Network.

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