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Life Decluttering

Posted on Aug 21, 2014 in Motherhood, The Fam

When we packed up our little sedan to move to Colorado for a couple of weeks I spent the last few hours picking up messes and cleaning out rooms for some friends who would be staying in our place.  By the time we left our house was like a different house – so much cleaner than usual, and it felt great!  While picking up clutter around the house I was struck with how much this trip is a life-decluttering experience.   Not only did we have to pack a minimum of clothes and toys, but I left behind so many on-going projects and obligations (gardening, crafting, home improvements, gym classes).  There are so many fun but not absolutely necessary things to get caught up in.  I love having many things going on at once, but there is something sweetly satisfying about venturing off for a season with a clean plate – a grand simplifying to one main thing: the family.

This past weekend we spent the entire weekend together…going to festivals, running in the grass, getting ice cream, visiting a used book sale, and even all taking a glorious nap piled in the same bed.  It wasn’t all easy or relaxing (we have two toddlers, remember), but it was great.  We haven’t spent an entire weekend together like that in a long time.  Usually we are separated in our big house trading off time doing our own projects or venturing out for personal or social commitments.  Even now, settled in our little temporary condo, I’m starting to be drawn to the non-essentials: baking new things, researching places to explore, or searching for free chairs and cheap scooters on Craigslist.  The kids can’t be with their uncle yet because his immune system is so weak, so while Tyler works from the condo and visits his brother, the kids and I often have the whole day to ourselves.

This morning I was brought back to the simple again when halfway out the door I remembered that Tyler had taken the car to be with his brother for a long appointment.  Oh yeah, we only have one car here.  All ambitions for the day out the window…and it ended up being a good thing.  I simplified and went for a walk with the kids to a playground, we took our time and came back and read lots of books.  I’m glad I have the opportunity to remember again that simple is good.

The latest observations, sayings, adventures…

  • Colorado has weather: thunder, lightning, clouds, rain!
  • Colorado has grass.  everywhere.
  • Colorado has bunnies, running around people’s yards.
  • we’ve launched headfirst into Legos
  • D: “watch me, watch me!” (ad infinitum)
  • W: “I want Daddy!” “Look at MEEE, mommy”
  • W: asking for chicken or hotdogs for breakfast
  • D: “my tummy doesn’t want to…(sleep, take a bath, clean up)”


And it appears the blog is turning into a landscape photography gallery…I can’t help it. Here are a few shots from an after dinner exploration at the lake (a mile from our place)…
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Tyler and Nick.  Happy to be together.
photo 3








  1. Wow… Simple is best. Family is best. Nature … ESPECIALLY through your eyes and your camera is AWESOME!
    We are praying for you and Nick and the family and so happy you have the opportunity to be there and experience all the love and beauty you have described. Simply wonderful!

  2. Dear all,
    So happy to see the pictures and so happy you did this for your loved ones. Great pictures, keep them coming!
    I am praying every minute for everyone.
    Many Hugs.

  3. I love the landscape photography! Look at how beautiful Colorado is.


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