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Shadow Puppets

Posted on Jul 29, 2014 in The Fam

It’s no question (or surprise for me) that Daddy is absolutely adored by our two munchkins.  He works from a home office every day but one during the week and on that one day it is so noticeable that something’s missing form our home.  Last week on daddy’s day “in the city office” I was having breakfast with the kids and Whitney says “I want Daddy” and Dylan chimed in “I want Daddy.  He’s my best friend.”  I melted.  I just love that they love him so much.  What’s funny is that we very rarely have seen Daddy by breakfast time because he’s usually already hard at work upstairs or catching some sleep from a likely late night of doing projects the night before.  Somehow you can just sense it when he’s not home, and we miss him!  We are so grateful to know he’s close by most of the week and love the extra special family time his work situation affords us.

One of the latest Daddy activities (among constantly making up games, songs, and stories) is shadow puppets.  Dylan is especially intrigued by the creatures that emerge on the wall and laughs continuously and tries to talk to them, always asking “what is your name?”  Oh fun times.  Summer bedtime has been drawn out later and later with sweet moments with these two…we’re soon going to have to reel them in and get ready for school starting up in a few weeks.  But for now, more puppets!



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