Antics: foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior. Lately…I’ve been witness (or victim) to: Opening the stall door in the public restroom during “mommy’s turn”. Climbing into the kitchen sink. Putting diapers and PJ’s on dolls and plush animals. Climbing in the bathtub fully clothed and turning the water on. Taking iPhone selfies of one’s forehead 20x in a row. Obsessions with replaying family videos...
Dylan Boy is TWO. This Little Dude came into the world on 10/14/11. At TWO he loves: climbing, jumping, shouting, dancing, singing, running music (profoundly Mary Poppins) FRUIT. anywhere. all the time. picking (and immediately eating) from the garden doing things on his own pulling up a chair to the counter to “help” buttons and switches building towers and “robots” with blocks recalling...
Our sweet little girl is three today! Whitney loves…. hugs and kisses singing Old MacDonald, Wheels on the Bus, and any other song with motions books Signing Time and other movies petting dogs sand at the beach playing with clothes and dress-up the piano smoothies, cereal, noodles, cupcakes, graham crackers, milk copying her brother (especially if she hears “no”) swinging, jumping on the bed,...
Whitney’s almost three! While the official day is not until Friday (8/9) she had a party and her annual parade with friends and family today. It was an Alphabet Themed Party. We played a simple game kind of like musical chairs but with letters and lollipops for prizes for landing on the letters I called out. The day we brought Whitney home from the...
Today I rocked it. Whitney’s birthday is coming up and I actually did something to prep for the party more than a week in advance! We’re having an ABC themed party (Alphabet, people. My Pinterest research taught me that apparently there is another type of ABC party out there…you college and otherwise eccentric folk can rest assured knowing the dress code is indeed family...