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Traveling With Toddlers

Posted on Jun 14, 2013 in Bookshelf, Featured, The Fam, Travel

We’re still in the afterglow of a great trip to see family in Colorado this past weekend.  The piles of laundry are disappearing and the kids are back to taking good naps, and finally I’ve gotten to go through my photos and reminisce some of the good times. We haven’t been on a plane with them since Christmas…and travel days can be tough…here are some of the things that helped us this time around: – umbrella stroller (oh the power of having at least one kid strapped in!!) – we have the First Years Jet Stroller and love it.  Extra bonus when I can get one of the kids to push the other. – snacks! (quieter when their mouths  are full, and helps with the pressure change in airplanes) – the iPad.  Seriously. it’s magic. – books (thankfully they will read the same three books over and over and over). This trip we picked a few favorites to bring: To Market To Market, There’s a Monster at the End of this Book, and Each Peach Pear Plum. – a surprise hit was this book-marker set, Dylan sat scribbling for a whole 20 minutes at a time. – our kids love their sound machine…listening to the “ocean” really helps them go to sleep in unfamiliar places. best advice of all…..visit amazing people who you really really love! Blog-TravelwKids

Whitney loved being buried in stuffed animals over and over again while sitting in this bin.


We also had a great time visiting the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs….amazingly beautiful.  Set atop a mountainside with clean and up-close exhibits (face to face with the Giraffes!).Blog-TravelwKids1

My little monkey pressing his face against the glass of one of the giant ape exhibits.


Poor Whitney was terrified of the animals at first, but warmed up later and even touched a bearded dragon!


She wasn’t scared in the least, though, when she met Chloe later that day.  This girl loves dogs!




  1. Have Courage: Nick’s Story of Endurance and Love | laughodil - […] mentioned my brother-in-law a few times on this blog (visiting last June, family holiday, Valentine’s love, current road trip).…

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