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Walking Lessons

Posted on May 26, 2013 in Featured, The Fam

I’m learning how to take a walk from my toddlers….here’s what I’ve got so far.

1. The alphabet is amazing.  Any time you see a letter it is cause for excitement.  Point and name it (or guess).
2. When you see big rocks, embrace this opportunity for physical challenge.

My Photo Stream4

5. Every living thing deserves a pause for a greeting, this especially includes people, cats, dogs, birds, and bugs.

My Photo Stream5

6. It’s nice to take a consistent route so you can check to see if people’s bars got closer together or if the trees are shrinking.

blog-walking7. With every turn of the  sidewalk there is a time for everything.  A time to sit. A time to balance on the curb.


8. Footsteps sound different depending on what you’re standing on.  And if the ground looks like a stage – breakdance.


9. No baby gets left behind.


Any tips for our next walk?



  1. Update | laughodil - […] we go on walks he’s constantly looking for kitties and balance beams to walk on.  Inevitably he gets very […]

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