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We Dream Disney

Posted on Oct 13, 2015 in The Fam, Travel

We recently returned from our inaugural Disney family adventure….and now we study the Disney map at breakfast every morning. “Mom – what’s the scary parts in Indiana Jones?” “Why didn’t we go on Yeti Mountain?”

Seriously, though, while totally exhausting on my end with baby back on an every-three-hour feeding schedule, Disney did not disappoint – it was every bit as magical and as happy a place for the kids as we hoped.  If you’re looking for something to add to your bucket list – put taking Whitney to Disneyland on it.  She is gifted with pure wonder and delight at every little thing.  She started to pout when we tried to get off the Carousel, which was our first ride…she thought it was so fun she could have stayed there all day.  Pretty soon she caught on that there was no end to the exciting things to see and do.  And she is not afraid to try anything.  Her face during the parade was priceless…she lit up at every float and was waving, cheering.  This is why we do trips like this.  It was priceless.


Dylan was particularly fun because he is so imaginative and could verbalize how excited he was and all the cool things he was noticing.  He was nervous about Pirates of the Caribbean, but braved it with Tyler by his side and was blown away by it all.  He passed out right before the parade, exhausted from all the fun.

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How did we do it you wonder? Well, we stopped when we needed for frequent bathroom breaks and feedings (for the baby and for us), which meant we saved a lot of the attractions for future trips.  We took our double Bob stroller and while not the easiest to navigate in crowded spaces, it helped haul kids and stuff from place to place.  We also brought an Ergo baby carrier for Leslie and took turns wearing her.  We packed a bunch of snacks and water bottles and sweatshirts.  Our biggest secret weapon was that we brought my mom (who might be part mouse) with us to help navigate and also even out our kid-adult ratio.  She swears by the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland book which maps out different routes and ways to minimize the time waiting in lines.  We stuck to the schedule for the morning but then got thrown off at about lunch time with some extra breaks and some crazy crowds. Even so, we saw and did a lot and had a great day.

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Whitney loved the characters and I think she might have developed a crush on Captain Hook.  Dylan wasn’t so sure.  He warmed up to Tigger but everyone else got a sideways look and he kept his distance.

IMG_5198 IMG_2451-2IMG_2461-2IMG_5221 It’s a Small World…we all got the song stuck in our heads and the kids were mesmerized.  I now use the song to distract Whitney while doing her Oral Motor exercises or brushing her teeth – works like a charm!IMG_5266

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Hooray for a successful family adventure!



  1. Love, love reading your blog as usual Michelle.
    Pictures were priceless as usual. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Loved your sharing the “Disneyland” trip!!! Reminded me of the time we took our 3 sons in 1968 and had to repeat visit because the 4 yr. old conked out – just too much! Bless you all!!

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